
Where is the heart located in the body exactly?

A reader asked us recently: “Where is the heart located…is it on the left side, the right side or the middle of my chest?” Not surprisingly, most of us do not know the answer to that question. Let’s take a closer look. One of the main reasons that people ask this question is because they have some sort of chest pain and of course the immediate first thought is: “Uh oh, I hope I’m not having a heart attack!” But as I’m sure you’ve discovered over the years, most of the time it’s...

Womens Heart Health – What You Need To Know To Avoid Problems

Only recently getting its due recognition, womens heart health is a very important issue that should not be taken lightly. Heart disease is the number one killer of women in the United States, and unfortunately so many of us are unaware of just how serious the issue is. FACT: It is estimated that almost 1 in 2 women will eventually die of heart disease or stroke, while only 1 in 27 dies of breast cancer! What are a woman’s heart disease risks? Although you can develop heart disease at any age, a womans heart health in midlife is of...

Top 5 Ways to Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease

Ready to lower your risk of heart disease? These top 5 ways are your best options for avoiding a heart attack or stroke. Even if you only follow one of the five, you’ll be lowering your chances significantly. So go through this section carefully and discover what you can do to improve your health today. Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease – 5 Steps 1. FOLLOW A HEART HEALTHY DIET Following a few simple rules as laid out in our Healthy Heart Diet section can significantly decrease your chances of developing heart disease. A brief...

Symptoms of a Mini Stroke

The symptoms of a mini stroke can be quite similar to those of a full stroke, and as such it is important to seek medical attention right away to determine the extent of the condition. FACT: If you have suffered a mini stroke you are at a much greater risk of having a stroke in the future. What exactly is a “mini stroke”? More accurately called a transient ischemic attack, or TIA, it occurs when the supply of oxygen to a specific area of the brain is cut off. It usually lasts less than ten minutes, and symptoms are temporary, as...

Pharmaceutical Grade DHA is a More Powerful Omega 3 Fatty Acid

Pharmaceutical grade DHA is an essential Omega 3 fatty acid found in high quality fish oil supplements. DHA is one of the most important fatty acids for maintaining heart health as well as lower your risk of heart disease. What exactly is pharmaceutical grade fish oil anyway? As far nutritional supplements are concerned, this is the highest level of purity a product can have. This means the ingredients in the fish oil are over 99% pure, with no binders, fillers, excipients, dyes, or unknown substances. In essence you are getting the highest...

Natural Blood Thinners Can Help You Avoid a Heart Attack

As we discuss in our Aspirin Side Effects section, natural blood thinners can offer a safe way to facilitate blood flow thereby decreasing the risk of developing heart disease and other cardiovascular conditions. FACT: Long-term use of aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) can be harmful to your health. What are natural blood thinners? These are substances that are not drugs that are found naturally and can mimic the effects of aspirin without the negative side effects. Aspirin acts to reduce inflammation in the blood...

Lovaza Side Effects – Does Anyone Really Need Prescription Fish Oil?

Many people ask about Lovaza side effects, but a better question might be: “Why do I need a prescription fish oil when I can buy it without a prescription?” The answer? You don’t, but the drug companies would like you to think so. What is Lovaza and what is it used for? Lovaza is a prescription fish oil medication manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline that is used to treat very high triglyceride (fat) levels. The latest research indicates that triglyicerides are as important as cholesterol in determining whether or not a person is...

Best Heart Disease Prevention Techniques

The best efforts in heart disease prevention consider a wide range of factors, including smoking, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, obesity, exercise, diet and nutrition, and other contributors. It may sound like a lot, but making a few dietary and lifestyle changes can make a significant difference, and substantially lower your risk of a heart event. Many people want to know how to prevent heart disease, but are afraid to ask or unwilling to do what it takes to lower their risk. Following are some of the main considerations, as well as what...

Heart Attack Symptoms in Women Not So Easily Detected

What are the heart attack symptoms in women? The symptoms are often much subtler than those of men, and as such can be much harder to detect. That’s why it is so important to be aware of the potential signs and how they differ than those that men experience. The Most Common Female Heart Attack Symptoms Loss of breath not necessarily accompanied by chest discomfort Feeling of unusual fatigue, body aches or weakness Nausea, vomitting, headaches, cold sweats and other flu-like symptoms Feeling of pain in the upper body – chest...

Aspirin Side Effects May Include Stomach Pain, Nausea and Ulcers

Although it can be helpful for those at high risk or those who have suffered a heart event, aspirin side effects can be quite serious and it is certainly not for everyone. Before you start taking aspirin, make sure you understand the risks involved and what alternatives you have. What are the aspirin side effects? It’s important to realize that aspirin is a drug, just like other over-the-counter and prescription medications. It is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, or NSAID. As such, there are definitely adverse reactions to contend...